Wholesale Nursery Growing Quality Trees & Shrubs Serving Smithville TN
At Steve Myers & Son, our goal is to be your preferred B&B Nursery and provider of quality trees. With Over 30 years of growing expertese, we work hard to ensure top-quality wholesale plants for our customers. Go on and take a moment to review our plants available and browse our website. We look forward to working with you soon!
Our Products
Shade Trees
Flowering Trees
Evergreens & Shrubs
Specializing in Quality Wholesale B&B Trees and Shrubs for Smithville
We carry finished plants for your containerizing needs to help generate spring and early summer sales
Top Dekab County B&B Trees

Our Plants are Graded by the American Standard for Nursery Stock.
Orders are individually tagged and dug.

Call for Current Availability
(931) 939-3303
Fun Facts About Murfreesboro TN
Smithville is a small town in DeKalb County, Tennessee, United States. The population of this area was about 5,000 residents according to the census recorded in 2018. This area is thought to be the central city of DeKalb County. It was then given its name to remember Samuel Granville Smith. He was their state senator from before and possibly the greatest administrator of Gainsboro, Tennessee. During his time as the Tennessee state director in 1835, he passed away. A very cherished member, Bernard Richardson, contributed about 50 acres to the place where Smithville currently lies now. A prime example of a business that takes up this land is the wholesale nursery Steve Myers & Son Nursery. This ground was soon separated by roads and lanes to develop around 92.5 blocks with a city square in the center. After this, the lots began to be sold off, and the planning of an everyday courthouse for this area began to be built. Smithville, Tennessee was established in 1843, and then it lost its state in 1877. It eventually showed the status of being reincorporated again several years later in 1919. As time moved, about 3 years later, in 1922 Smithville got even bigger and started to get electricity. Later on, this pulled in more people to the area. In 1967, a national program began in DeKalb. This was called the Model Cities program. The Model Cities program was planned to add to the qualities of life in the bigger cities. While he was serving on the House of Appropriations Committee, Congressman Joe L. Evins was equipped to overpower his colleagues. Maybe this business should be tried in a more rural area. Later on, he suggested that it should be DeKalb County, which was where he was born and raised. After this, several million dollars were put into the county. The county got a new courthouse, city halls, community centers, even a vocational school, the middle school (which grew enormously), numerous parks, and the Smithville Airport. These are just a few examples to name some of the major attractions. Since this took place, the central government has worked on county tasks like bettering the school systems, and housing for the elderly and families in need. Steve Myers & Son Nursery is proud to be able to serve Smithville TN as a Wholesale plant Nursery.