Benefits of Planting Nursery Trees

The nursery and landscape business is comprised of several thousand small family businesses. These businesses may grow, sell, install and maintain plants for landscaping. According to the research done by USDA’s Economic Research Service, the nursery and greenhouse industry is by far the fastest growing aspect of U.S. agriculture. Different nursery jobs will produce organic matter in the form of pruning trees and reducing waste. Plant nurseries and greenhouses are the top five goods that grow plants in over 25 states. The nursery and landscape industry is a great side business for owners of a large amount of agriculture. Many higher-end nurseries with lots of experience, started by working on dairy or grain farms or as a simple hobby or family job. In addition, the nursery business is Internet-friendly, and many companies will do direct sales through mail orders and different websites.

There are many benefits of planting nursery trees:

Financial Aspect

Plant nurseries encourage and help provide for the gardening desires someone has. In addition, they can also be set up for great potential in the commercial aspect. As young samplings are grown on a broad scale in plant nurseries, they can be sold in the future for food or restoration.

Encourages Gardening

In the world we live in today, it is very easy to take our ecosystem for granted. Plant Nurseries serve as a constant reminder that there is an ongoing method for keeping and advertising the importance of green life.

Utilizing Space

If you have a large area in your home that stays empty, then it would be perfect to take up the space and turn it into a small plant nursery. This does not have to be elaborate and can allow you to utilize and keep the space you have as well.

Develops growth of plant vegetation

Nurseries are a perfect place to have different varieties of plants that can be ornamental, herbal, or sometimes even used for vegetation harvesting. Nurseries give the proper care for a large variety of different plants.

Planting nursery trees have endless amounts of benefits. They are multi-functional and can add the perfect bit of love to any home. Some of the most common varieties of nursery trees people enjoy planting for landscaping are oaks, pines, dogwoods, and variations of maple trees.

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What trees are Native to Tennessee

Each year more and more people are trying to grow a wide variety of native plants for their region. These are just a preview of some of the finest landscaping trees native to Tennesee.

The Eastern White Pine also called the Pinus strobus is a very sturdy tree with much value. Their seeds are preferred by black bears, rabbits, fox squirrels, and many birds. The bark is eaten by animals like beavers, snowshoe hares, porcupines, rabbits, and mice which causes great damage to the tree. White pines supply an abundance of nesting areas for many birds including woodpeckers, common grackles, mourning doves, chickadees, and nuthatches.

Another popular tree is the Black Tupelo, also known as Nyssa sylvatica or black gum.
The fruit of the black gum tree draws in many birds and wildlife. It also supplies the bees nutrition in the early to late spring seasons.

The Hackberry tree or Celtis occidentalis is a tough and rather durable tree. The fruit of the tree is favored among winter birds, most commonly the cedar waxwing, mockingbird, and robin. The tree also lures butterfly species like American snout, hackberry, mourning cloak, and tawny emperor.
The American Beech or Fagus grandifolia is a slowly grown sturdy tree. Beechnuts fall from the tree and are eaten by birds and mammals. They are a very important nutrient for chipmunks and squirrels.

Another rather common tree in the area is the Red Buckeye or Aesculus Pavia. It grows in an oval shape and blooms in April and May. The red blossoms entice hummingbirds and butterflies. Fox squirrels tend to also eat the buckeyes.

Last but surely not least is the Pecan tree or Carya illinoinensis. It should be planted in multiples to make sure it pollinates. They typically live more than 3 years. The nuts are gathered and eaten by squirrels, deer, raccoons, foxes, wild turkeys, wood ducks, crows, blue jays, and many other bird species.

Learn about more Landscaping Trees!

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Pruning Landscape Trees and Shrubs

Pruning is just a simple procedure to improve the health, quality, and value, of your landscape plants near your home or industry landscape. Typically, a landscape plant is designed to be planted in a certain space within the home setup. Pruning is often needed to control the landscape plant and keep it within its desired space. Most landscape owners do not handle their simple pruning in the early stages of a plant’s growth. This can often be the most crucial time to keep up with the tree or shrub’s correct development, shape, and area within the landscape.

When should I prune my trees?

The best time for pruning depends upon the plant.

  • Trim early-spring flowering shrubs directly after they bloom.
  • Clip summer blooming plants in winter or early in the spring.
  • Trim nonflowering plants after fresh growth.

You may also do very light trimming throughout the year.

General Shrub Pruning

Harmed, dead or fallen limbs can be a bother to shrubs and plants as they lure insects. These stems need to be removed when you notice them. The main thing you need when pruning is strategy. Remove new growth you don’t want and thin out certain spots on the thick outer shell. The inner limbs still need air and sun, so prune back along the branch directly above new growth or underneath the plant. You will not want electric trimmers for this. Trimmers just top the shrub, which promotes new growth near the cut. Cut even further back to stimulate growth along the limbs.

A few things you need to keep in mind include:

  1. Make sure you have a plan as to what you want the landscape to look like in the end.
  2. Make sure that all of your pruning tools are sharpened- Dull clippers, hedge trimmers, hand pruners, and hedge shears will make a rough cut
  3. Always be mindful of electric lines.
  4. Never climb a tree without having a safety rope, even when you have a ladder.
  5. Keep fingers out of the way when using hand clippers, and wear eye protection while pruning.

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Control & Prevent Japanese Beetles

Steve Myers and Son Nursery

Japanese beetles are a major pest of flowers, trees, shrubs, fruits, and vegetables. An adult beetle will feed on over 300 plant species, and grubs feed mainly on the roots of grasses. Why are these beetles such a big problem? While Japanese beetles themselves aren’t a major threat, these insects normally hatch in very large numbers, and when they all land on a shrub, tree, or other plants, they can quickly destroy it. They tend to land and gather in cycles. Some summers are almost empty of beetles, while in other years they are overtaking everywhere. When there is an infestation of them, it is often a very large one that can cause serious damage and ruin tons of plants. How exactly can you control and prevent these pests? The proper timing to control Japanese beetles depends on what stage they are in their life cycle, and which phase you are trying to attack. Hand-picking or spraying with chemicals or natural pesticides should be done while the beetles are currently feeding on plants. This is typically in the period that lasts for around a month in late May, June, or July months. If you are attacking the larva stage it is normally done in late summer through fall when they are maturing and moving to feed on roots. It is impossible to completely get rid of Japanese beetles entirely. More will fly in as the crops are killed. And there aren’t many natural fixes when they are adult Japanese beetles. Wherever you are having the most problem with Japanese beetles, you may want to think about planting your landscape with plants that are less attractive to them.

Some plants you could consider are:

  • Arborvitae
  • Boxwood
  • Dogwood
  • Firs
  • Hemlock
  • Oaks
  • Magnolia trees

Grab a bucket and fill it with soapy water, handpick or shake the bugs into the bucket to drown and kill them. You can leave the dead beetles by your plant to scare off any more that fly in. Japanese beetles are slow and sleepy in the early hours and their tight grips are normally more relaxed which makes them easy to get off.

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Buy the Right Size Landscaping Tree

You may be wondering whether it’s better to plant a large tree or a small one, but this always depends on your spacing and what you want. If you want it to make a more drastic change in your landscape more quickly you may want to go with a bigger tree. When you begin to consider planting a new tree there are a few things you want to consider. How big will the tree be at maturity? This will help you make sure it will fit where you want to plant it, and how big will your tree be when you put it in the ground.

Most people think that buying a bigger tree is better because you would be getting more for your money, but when you buy a new tree, this is not always the case. When you are in search of a new tree for your garden, you should first be looking at structure, quality, and form, before you look into size and cost. There’s a good chance that the tree will live much longer than you so you want to be sure that it’s healthy and structurally grounded before you plant it. After that, size and cost will come into the picture. If you are on a budget, and haven’t looked into it enough to know how much trees of different sizes cost, check out a local nursery like Steve Myers & Son to get an idea of the average costs. Just remember that when you buy a tree from a nursery, you’re also getting the tree’s history. This can mean it will require years of watering, pruning, fertilizing, and transplanting. You may also want to consider the transportation from its ground growth to the retail nursery. Some tree species, like the ginkgo, grow slowly while others, such as poplars, are faster growing. The kind of tree you pick, how big it is, and how much it costs are all a part of how long the tree has been growing. Trees of almost any size can be put into the ground, but a good thought to keep in mind is the larger the tree is the more complicated it is to move, plant, and establish in a new place. This could be for different reasons, like the problems that come with planting a large tree, and the stress on a tree from being moved. Steve Myers & Son Nursery can help you with further information you may need.

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How to Choose a Wholesale Plant Nursery

New and experienced gardeners mainly rely upon a well-ran and helpful nursery for all their plant and landscaping needs. When you are picking a plant nursery that has a good reputation and has healthy, location-appropriate plants, can be the key to a perfect gardening project. The guidance and help of a professional nursery member can make all the difference in the world. They can better direct you with healthy garden tips and things you will want to avoid. When you are choosing the best plant nurseries it depends upon more than just healthy looking plants. Some of the things you want to look for when you are picking a wholesale plant nursery are:

Selection- A good nursery will have a pretty big range of plant types whether it be flowers, trees, shrubs. You will want a variety of sizes and colors to pick from. Preferably, your wholesale plant nursery will also offer rooted cuttings, also called propagules, and finished stock products.

Good service beyond the sale- another thing you want to make sure you are getting is successful results of what you have purchased. A good company is one that will provide long-lasting relationships with their customers and be there all along the way. We grow nice, hardy and healthy plants. You also need someone to help you by giving the perfect care for your new plants year-round.

Gather plant nursery information- you don’t want to be afraid to touch and search plant species to be sure that there are no diseases, pest problems, or weeds. Remember, that everything you bring home could possibly infect your garden. A good reputable nursery will only carry healthy plants that have a high chance of thriving in your garden.

What is the difference between a wholesale nursery and a retail nursery?

The main difference between wholesale nurseries and retail nurseries is rather simple. A wholesale nursery is where plants are grown and sold for transplanting, buds, grafting or layering. Wholesale nurseries also produce and deliver everything you may need for your projects. Whether you may need a great variety of trees, shrubs, ferns and shrubs you should have no problems. A retail plant nursery is a building or place that is just used for growing plants and selling plants by retail. It may or may not be used for the sale of landscape supplies.

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Soils and Mulches for Landscaping Perfection

What could be more important than soil? Every plant needs good soil. But what exactly is good soil? Here, you’ll learn about that, and also about mulches and soil amendments, all of which have immediate and lasting benefits.

Good soils contain plenty of nutrients to keep plants growing, but a good soil isn’t too rich, because that could burn the plant’s roots. Depending on the situation, you may need soil with a lot of drainage or the other way around. A good soil also doesn’t compact too much, because compacted soil is harder for roots to grow through.

You can always make good soil yourself through composting and other good practices, but if you’re not experienced with that, it will take a lot of time and guesswork. So, if you don’t have the resources to make your own, you can find a lot of high-quality soils, amendments, and mulches available to improve your soil.

One type of soil you’ll find on the market is potting soil. This type of soil is specialized to work effectively in containers or pots. It is formulated to enhance root development and provide efficient drainage without becoming compacted. Potting soil is good for planting in containers or pots, but not the best for plants that are put right into the ground.

On to soil amendments and mulches. While these are both additives to raw soil, amendments are mixed into the soil, while mulches are spread on top, similarly to how cinnamon might be mixed into a bread’s dough while jam is spread on the top. Both of these improve our figurative bread in different ways, and the same goes for soil, mulches and amendments.

Many raw soils aren’t very good for planting without some help. For instance, clay soils are very compact, and sandy soils lose water quickly. Amendments can solve both of these problems.

Mulching helps to retain water and keep down weed growth. Any weed seeds that would be germinating when you put the mulch down will fail to, with the mulch blocking their sunlight. New seeds will happily germinate on the mulch, but these can easily be tugged out and tossed away.

Don’t expect your plants to like your raw soil. Especially when plants are getting established, they need good soil. So look for a soil amendment that fits your situation and mix it in. Add some fertilizer depending on the plant. Then add some mulch to keep the weeds down and the ground hydrated. And watch your plant thrive!

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Tips for a Dog-Friendly Garden

Barking Up The Right Tree?

Gardens can be a very nice thing to have around, and if you’re survival-minded, they can help produce food that you don’t have to buy, too. But, gardens and dogs don’t always get along on the best of terms. At Steve Myers & Son Nursery, we want to make sure everything goes just as planned, so we’ve got some tips to help you make your garden as dog-friendly as possible.

Plants And Why To Like Them (Or Not)

When it comes to dogs, some plants are just fine, and others… not. Let’s go over which plants you can plant just fine in a dog-friendly garden, and which ones might give your dog a stomachache, or worse. The following plants are just fine for your dog to be around: hens and chicks; crape myrtles; ferns; daylilies; rose of Sharon; creeping phlox; roses; sunflowers; strawberries; and torch lilies.

The following plants are not good for your dog, so avoid planting them in areas your dog can get to: aconite, buttercups, chrysanthemums, crocus, daffodils (they look nice, but they aren’t so nice to your dog), daphne, delphinium, foxglove, hyacinth, hydrangea, normal lilies, tomatoes, tulips, wisterias, and yew. Mind you, that’s not all the plants that could harm your dog, so always do your research before you plant anything. If you think your dog might be able to get somewhere that already has such a plant (perhaps you just got a new dog and didn’t have dogs in mind when you originally planted your garden?), using a raised bed or a fence too high for your dog to jump over may work to stop your dog from hurting themselves.

It Doesn’t Just Kill Weeds

Be wary when applying chemicals to your garden. It may be nice to be free of weeds with the chemical solution, but there’s a risk: while dogs eating grass is quite ordinary and should normally give no cause to worry, chemically treated grass is another matter entirely. If you notice anything strange about your dog’s behavior, try to get them to a vet as soon as you can. It may turn out to be nothing much to worry about, but your dog getting sick is always something to be on alert for.

That’s it for this article. We hope you and your dog have a safer time with these tips in mind.


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Grow a Native Plant Garden

Native plant gardens are becoming more and more popular. Here, we’ll tell you why.

Steve Myers and Son Nursery LogoBut first, let’s start with the difference between a native plant garden and a standard garden. A native plant garden is one composed of plants endemic to the area the garden is located in. These plants adapted and became integrated into the local ecosystem.

Now we’ll talk about the primary reason people have against native plant gardens. Some claim that native plant gardens are unattractive or boring. This is simply not the case. With a good variety of natives, you can have a native plant garden that blooms year-round in vibrant colors.

On to why you should grow native plant gardens. First of all, native plants are good for the local ecosystem, protecting and nourishing bees, butterflies, birds, and other local wildlife that integrate these plants into their lives.

Native plants are better for the area, and also easier to care for. Adapted to the local conditions, native plants don’t need special care like fertilizers, pesticides, or frequent watering, and may even be harmed by the use of these. So, native plants are both easier on the environment and less work on your part to grow!

A look at some of the plants native to U.S. regions:
Northeast: Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia), New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae), serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.), wild ginger (Asarum canadense), Northern maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum)

Southeast: Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), pasture rose (Rosa carolina), oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia), beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens)

Midwest: Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa), beardtongue (Penstemon spp.), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), spicebush (Lindera benzoin), cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis)

Texas: Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei), yaupon (Ilex vomitoria), dwarf palmetto (Sabal minor), Texas sage (Leucophyllum frutescens), Texas sotol (Dasylirion texanum), century plant (Agave americana)

Rocky Mountains: Plains prickly pear (Opuntia polyacantha), soapweed yucca (Yucca glauca), Rocky Mountain columbine (Aquilegia caerulea), Colorado four o’clock (Mirabilis multiflora), threadleaf giant hyssop (Agastache ruprestis), Rocky Mountain penstemon (Penstemon strictus)

Southwest: Autumn sage (Salvia greggii), Parry’s agave (Agave parryi), blue Palo Verde (Parkinsonia florida), golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii), red yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora), prickly pear cactus (Opuntia spp.)

California: California fuchsia (Epilobium canum), California lilac (Ceanothus spp.), California poppy (Eschscholzia californica), coastal prickly pear (Opuntia littoralis), Matilija poppy (Romneya coulteri), hillside gooseberry (Ribes californicum)

Pacific Northwest: Red flowering currant (Ribes sanguineum), Camas lily (Camassia spp.), Pacific bleeding heart (Dicentra formosa), Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium), vine maple (Acer circinatum), Western sword fern (Polystichum munitum)

When planting a native garden, make sure to research plants and ensure they are native to your specific locale. Also choose plants based on your goals. Are you looking for an easy, low investment and low maintenance native garden? Or do you want to attract certain wildlife?

In either of those cases and more, Steve Myers and Son Nursery can provide! We specialize in ornamental trees and shrubs. Take a look and see if you find any native plants you like in our stock.

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Best Shrubs For Small Areas In Your Landscape

It’s sometimes said that if you take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. While that may or may not be true from a landscaping perspective, if you have a bunch of small spaces and are feeling uncertain what to put there, Steve Myers & Son Nursery would be happy to offer some recommendations. Let’s jump right in.

Steve Myers and Son Nursery LogoDownsized In Size Only

The term “shrub” may not sound like much. However, shrubs make a great fit for small outdoor areas that it’s tricky to put anything else in; furthermore, a good few of them have quite the impact despite their small size. Many small shrubs make good company with the standard retinue of annuals, perennials, trees, and anything else you’d like to put in. A good deal of them are flowering shrubs and will add color and scent to your landscape that you otherwise might not have. Furthermore, they can and do attract pollinators (which helps to keep the ecosystem healthy), may attract wildlife (whether this a good thing depends on the wildlife nearby), and also provide structure to your landscape layout -though, being a landscaper, you probably already have a plan thought out. You can also use shrubs to define boundaries and create outdoor “rooms” after a fashion.

Sun And Shade

Most shrubs need full or at least partial sun to do very well. Depending on the shrub, it may be content to sit in the sun for most of the day, or it may not be able to handle the scorching afternoon sun very well, in which case you should give it morning sun and afternoon shade. Either way, the right amount of light, water, and soil nutrients are crucial to getting your shrubs to look their best. Some may not flower if in the wrong conditions.

“Stars” Of The Show

So, with all the basics taken care of. What shrubs will do your landscape good in the best way possible? Let’s look over a few.

Hydrangeas: Hydrangeas make great landscape sprucer-uppers, despite not being spruces. Furthermore, some hydrangeas bloom almost endlessly for most if not all of the year, making them a great landscape fixture. Dwarf shrubs (for the really small spaces) can be absolutely stunning if employed correctly.

Daphne: You may have heard that daphne is finicky. It is, but certain varieties are considerably less so. If you happen upon any you like, talk to us about its required conditions and we’ll see how we can help.

Rhododendron: It may seem odd that rhododendrons would make the list. Most of them are too tall for small spaces, but there are a few that only reach about three feet tall in total, which works quite well.

Bamboo: In warmer places, some varieties of bamboo may fit the bill. Beware planting them too freely – in some places they might be considered invasive and do considerably more damage than help!

Lastly, always read up about what a plant might do ten years from when you get it. Some may start out small and then get surprisingly large (even a “dwarf” tree could stand as tall as a two-story building, given the right conditions). Others may start compact but expand horizontally more than expected.

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