Buy the Right Size Landscaping Tree

You may be wondering whether it’s better to plant a large tree or a small one, but this always depends on your spacing and what you want. If you want it to make a more drastic change in your landscape more quickly you may want to go with a bigger tree. When you begin to consider planting a new tree there are a few things you want to consider. How big will the tree be at maturity? This will help you make sure it will fit where you want to plant it, and how big will your tree be when you put it in the ground.

Most people think that buying a bigger tree is better because you would be getting more for your money, but when you buy a new tree, this is not always the case. When you are in search of a new tree for your garden, you should first be looking at structure, quality, and form, before you look into size and cost. There’s a good chance that the tree will live much longer than you so you want to be sure that it’s healthy and structurally grounded before you plant it. After that, size and cost will come into the picture. If you are on a budget, and haven’t looked into it enough to know how much trees of different sizes cost, check out a local nursery like Steve Myers & Son to get an idea of the average costs. Just remember that when you buy a tree from a nursery, you’re also getting the tree’s history. This can mean it will require years of watering, pruning, fertilizing, and transplanting. You may also want to consider the transportation from its ground growth to the retail nursery. Some tree species, like the ginkgo, grow slowly while others, such as poplars, are faster growing. The kind of tree you pick, how big it is, and how much it costs are all a part of how long the tree has been growing. Trees of almost any size can be put into the ground, but a good thought to keep in mind is the larger the tree is the more complicated it is to move, plant, and establish in a new place. This could be for different reasons, like the problems that come with planting a large tree, and the stress on a tree from being moved. Steve Myers & Son Nursery can help you with further information you may need.
